Sunday, June 5, 2011

Remove moles: Mole removal procedure for the selection

A Mole is a dark spot on the skin of some as moles or abnormal collections of blood vessels. You can be congenital, while others are displayed with 30 years and above. Sun exposure is also an important factor in the development of the Mole. Some people prefer moles as beauty brands have but not in general we like them because they look dirty on the skin. There are many types of moles, there are different medical procedures to the moles remove select.

Moles are painless and most are not dangerous to health, and when they grow in covered parts of the body, I think that you should be bothered much. Large mole on the face and the limbs grow, they can be very unsightly.

Moles can be divided into two types, there are the rights at birth and they change through time and those who lit only at a later stage in the life of a person in the first place because of the Sun appears. Moles, Brown, black and Red change their color, this means that they show growth and there is reason to be alarmed,

The best thing to do, a dermatologist, the condition of the mole to diagnose to consult. A biopsy is usually performed, and the doctor will then prescribe when a medical procedure is required. He beat like a mole depending on the type and position away. Even if the Mole is not cancer, you can choose it have removed for aesthetic purposes.

The four most common ways of the mole removal are excision, laser therapy, cryotherapy and natural removal process.

Excision is larger and deeply penetrating moles and a local anesthesia is used. The doctor can cut the skin and it sew or excision with cauterization, away you want to burn the mole of the mole and the aesthetic result. Laser therapy is working not for deep moles, because the laser light will penetrate the skin, not.

Applied as in the cryotherapy clinical procedure method, is a liquid nitrogen on the pier. When the Mole is fixed, it will then be cut. This method is excision in popularity on skin. Its ease of use, low-cost and good cosmetic results is some advantages of this method. The negative effects are generally small and short-lived.

The other method of surgery advisable is used the laser therapy for small moles the mild intensity laser beam to burn the mole from the skin. The laser should be deep enough penetration to prevent the outgrowth of the Mole. The dermatologist or skin specialist can to remove moles on your body and to use the treatment, lead. The healing of laser therapy are about a few weeks. The skin will turn you in Brown, followed by Scabbing and then healing.

For home remedies, there are skin creams herbs and herbal products, which are available and are proven effective removing the Mole. Some of the things, which can of course handle moles are garlic, castor oil, cider vinegar, cauliflowers, pineapple, honey and fig comes. Find you under which this best for you is suitable.

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